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medir pressão arterial no celular

Blood pressure meter by app

No matter where you are or what smartphone you use, your health is a very important issue. So, get to know the blood pressure meter by the application. Fortunately, there are…

tunar carro

Simulator apps to tune cars

For Brazilians, cars have been much more than just means of transport, they have been the favorite of young people and even older people. Simulator applications…

Aplicativo para ler a bíblia no celular

Application to read the bible on mobile

Discover the best application to read the Bible on your cell phone and take advantage of any moment of the day to learn more about the Word of God. Having our devotional time is…

Aplicativo para provar roupas pelo celular

Mobile app to try on clothes

Get to know the app to try clothes on your cell phone. Never again have problems with clothes that are bought over the internet. Buying clothes over the internet has become commonplace for many people. Today, …

Aplicativos para rastrear vôos de avião

Application to track flight and plane

However, if you are always traveling and need to keep track of flight times, see the app to track flights and planes. Furthermore, whether for work or pleasure, technology has the potential to…

Aplicativo para aprender a consertar carros

App to learn how to fix cars

Today you will know the application to learn how to fix cars. In this way, you will be able to solve some problems in your vehicle on your own. Fixing a car is always a big problem, …

baixar status do whatsapp

Apps to download WhatsApp status

WhatsApp status works the same way we see in Instagram and Facebook stories, for example. So, check out the apps to download WhatsApp status. Therefore, …

aplicativo para medir temperatura

Thermometer apps to measure temperature on mobile

Currently, there are different types of thermometers: air thermometers, water thermometers, kitchen thermometers and, among them, the thermometer to measure body temperature on your cell phone. That way, when it comes to…