Did you know there is online apps in which they allow put a beard and mustache on your photos?

Podendo ser utilizados para brincar com seus amigos e familiares ou conferir styles before going to the barbershop.

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Whether thin or full, beard and mustache remember the masculinity and the pride of most men, so it's worth investing in design ingenuity.

Check this article for apps available on iOS and Android devices that allow put beard and mustache on cell phone photos.

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Online Beard and Mustache Simulator Manly editor 2021

O online beard simulator and mustache Man 2021 is an option mobile app that works like male photo editor.

In addition to organizing photos by adding mustache and beard depending on your style, also choose hair extensions and accessories like sunglasses and tattoos to match.

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You photo filters are really fun and you can apply them to photos saved from your gallery or take a picture of yourself to check out the app.

bear man

Principalmente, outro mobile app in beard and mustache It is bear man, a Photo editor very fun and complete.

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Use the app to add big beards, averages and small and elegant mustaches to suit your personality.

Sendo assim, combine o beard model with fashion hair styles, add accessories like hats and sunglasses, and add some muscle to your photos.

Beard Photo Editor

Primeiramente, no application Beard Photo Editor you can try different beard and mustache styles, even with different colors and sizes.

There are some options for beard and mustache real, where the simulator has technology that adds a beard model to the exact area of your face.

Nesse sentido, você pode até mudar a cor da sua beard, move accessories left and right, add light and others effects to your photos.

Por fim, para usar este application, download the simulator Beard Photo Editor e tire uma foto sua ou acesse sua galeria.

Selecione uma foto de rosto para conferir as opções de effects at the application.

Website Photos and Effects

Primeiramente, caso prefira utilizar um site para put a beard and mustache on your photos, choose the Photos and Effects website, a Web-to-App version for photo editing.


This one site é muito fácil de usar, basta fazer o upload da imagem para a plataforma com seu computador ou celular.

Escolher entre as opções de beard and mustache and start using it.

Desse modo, encontre beards in various colors and sizes, including beards inspired by movie stars and celebrities.

Then just save the photo on your device and share it with friends on social networks or message on WhatsApp.

Além disso, criar beard and mustache pictures, the forum offers other types of edition, how to put faces in humorous photos.


Por fim, escolha entre as opções de apps and websites, to check if the color and beard and mustache design matches your style.

Access to Google Play Store to download and try the apps.