However, the owners of motor vehicles need to keep the Renavam (National Registry of Motor Vehicles) up to date, however through the document it is possible to access important information such as: Thefts, Fines, Registration, Licensing, Changes of owners, among others.

At first the document has a numbering in the Licensing Registration Certificate (CRLV), which consists of regularizing the vehicle in this way, it is necessary to do the payment is made annually since in case of non-payment the vehicle may be prohibited from driving.

Subsequently the DMV is interconnected with the registry Renamed which consists of information on all registered cars, so it is important to remember that even if changes occur, the code will remain the same.

In addition, pay attention to the following important information about how to query Renavam by car license plate.

About Renavam

However the National Registry of Motor Vehicles (Renavam)  consists of a code that allows querying vehicle data such as year, color, chassis, outstanding debts, CRV and fines among many others information however in this way the document is the identity of the car.

Because in this way the document has important information and the owner will be able to keep abreast of the entire situation of the vehicle.

Understand the importance of Renavam

Certainly for people who intend to make the purchase of the first used or semi-new vehicle It is extremely important to check with the owner of the car the Renvam code, in this way, being able to consult the DMV portal  the vehicle's history in order to avoid worries after making the purchase.

However, the seller must inform the sale of the vehicle and the buyer regularize all the documentation in order to keep the data up to date.

Although through this access the owner can already identify irregularities and view changes already made.

About the Renavam Code

About everything the Renavam Code with 11 numbers,  starting with the number zero, through the  Registration certificate, located at the top  CRLV  through the item "COD.RENAVAN”.

How to query the Renavam through the plate

Subsequently, to carry out query Renavam by the board first of all, it is necessary to have personal documents and the Renvam Code, then see the step by step below.


  •  First go to the website of DETRAN portal, in this way inform your login and password;
  •  Surely after filling in the fields correctly click on "Log in";
  • Similarly, when accessing the page, click on the option “Consultation Renavam;
  • Also fill in the license plate number, then click on "Consult";
  • However, the loaded page will show the main information about the vehicle such as color, license plate, capacity, among others;
Consult Renvam by the plate
  • However, to check more detailed vehicle information, click “Vehicle Status indicators” in order to find out about fines or theft.
  • At first, if the vehicle has a driver, you should also choose the option “main driver”;
  • Finally, through step by step, you will be able to consult the situation of the vehicle.


 Therefore, for more information, visit the  DMV.