Are you looking for a free app for professional photos on LinkedIn? Here we will show you all the apps for professional photos.

Choosing a photo for your resume is essential and we know that taking a good photo is very difficult. Therefore, with these apps everything becomes simpler.

Because with a simple touch, you can be transformed by a tool. Here we will show you step by step how to use it.

Don't forget that the download links for each app will be at the end of the article so you can choose the best one. Now, get to know this free app for professional photos on LinkedIn.

Why is a good LinkedIn photo essential?

First of all, a cool photo makes your profile stand out and people will have more curious to know who you are!

In fact, a good quality photo shows that you care about your reputation and your professional career.

People also feel more connected to profiles that seem more “human” and that inspire more trust. This can help you make a great first impression.

But how do I take a good photo? We will teach you step by step and we will also introduce you to a free app for professional photos. LinkedIn.

Tips for a perfect photo

First, you will need professional clothing, in this case, one that corresponds to your field of work. I know it seems difficult to choose, but you can do it.

Secondly, a good photo needs a good background and lighting. So, to take the photo, look for a place like a neutral colored wall.

Also, look for lighting sources and always test each setting you make. A great tip is to position another cell phone or lamp near you to illuminate your face well.

So, once you find the perfect setup, you will need to adjust your posture, demonstrating more safety and professionalism.

Remini – Free LinkedIn Professional Photo App

But what if I don't have anything to make the photo more professional? Simple, with this application that we'll show you now, you can generate professional images with just one click.

So, meet Remini, an app with so many features that it can’t fit into just one article. I’m sure you’ll love it!

So, with Remini, all the photos you take can become professional photos for you to put on your LinkedIn or other social media profile.

Now, we will show you step by step how to use it. Remini to take professional photos for free. The app download link will be at the end of the article.

Step by step guide on how to use Remini for professional photos

First, the first step is to download the application, so at the end of the article you will find the link to download the app, App Store or not Google Play Store.

Then, after downloading the app, when you open it you will have to answer some questions and you will have the chance to customize the home screen, that is, make it perfect for you.

Now you can start working. So look for the option “Resume Headshot”. Then you will have to send to the app, 8 selfies.

Attention, this part is important. For selfies, You can only be in the photo, the photo has to be close to your face and it cannot be covered, so your face has to be completely visible.

Finally, wait for the app to work and when the photos are ready, choose the best one and that's it! In seconds you were able to take professional photos. Easy, right?

Services – Free LinkedIn Professional Photo App

Here are the links to the apps mentioned in the article. Always try to have the best photos!