Have you ever wondered if there was an app to weigh your pet? And there is! With this app you can track your pet's weight.

And believe me, all this directly from your cell phone. In fact, that’s all you need. So, let’s get to know all the details of the app so you can use it and monitor your pet’s health.

So, follow the article until the end to receive all the download links for each application mentioned in the text. Now, let's get to the text.

First, remember that it is very important to take your pet to the vet if you notice something wrong. Don't rely solely on these apps.

Pet App Veterinarian – The best pet weighing app

First of all, one of the best rated and most popular apps on the app market is Pet App Veterinário. An app that every pet parent should have!

But what is this application and what is it for? Well, basically it's an animal monitor for you to monitor the health of each pet you have.

In fact, with it you can control appointments, vaccines taken and those that need to be taken, check-ups and even characteristics of your pet, such as weight.

Finally, one of the coolest things about the app is that it provides the user with tips and advice on nutrition, general care and health. This way, you can keep a closer eye on your pet.


Second on our list, this app is another very popular app for those who want to track and manage their pets’ health.

Therefore, with this app, you can even buy things for your pet. For example, food, toys, and general services related to pets.

Additionally, you can schedule purchases so that you never run out of food or litter for your pet. Another very important point is that you can get veterinary consultations online.

This way, you won’t need to leave your home to take your pet to the vet. In fact, the people who will assist you and take care of your pet are highly qualified professionals!

Pet Parents

Thirdly, a very good app to help you organize yourself and organize your pet's documentation is Pet Parents. All this in one place and completely free.

In fact, it is especially useful for guardians with several animals. This makes it much easier for you to manage your pet's health and ensure the best treatments!

Therefore, with this app you can record vaccinations, medical history, allergies if your pet has any, weight and many other important details to keep track of.

Finally, a really cool thing about the app is that you can have different profiles to manage the information about each pet you have. In addition to being able to send information directly to veterinarians.

Vet Smart Dogs and Cats

In conclusion, the last app for you to use to track your pet's weight and other information is Vet Smart.

In fact, as the name suggests, it is a powerful tool aimed at the health of dogs and cats. Therefore, if you have one or several, this app is perfect for you.

Additionally, with this app, you will be able to receive detailed information about drugs for veterinary use, including dosages and indications!

Finally, this app also lets you stay informed about studies, veterinary news, and articles. This way, you can provide the best care for your pet.

Services – Pet Weighing App

Now, feel free to choose the best application that meets your needs and the needs of your pets.