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Aplicativo para provar roupas pelo celular

Mobile app to try on clothes

Get to know the app to try clothes on your cell phone. Never again have problems with clothes that are bought over the internet. Buying clothes over the internet has become commonplace for many people. Today, …

Aplicativos para rastrear vôos de avião

Application to track flight and plane

However, if you are always traveling and need to keep track of flight times, see the app to track flights and planes. Furthermore, whether for work or pleasure, technology has the potential to…

Aplicativo para aprender a consertar carros

App to learn how to fix cars

Hoje você vai conhecer o aplicativo para aprender a consertar carros. CURSO ONLINE DE MECÂNICA DE AUTOMÓVEIS Desse modo, você conseguirá resolver sozinho alguns problemas em seu veículo. Consertar …

aplicativo para medir temperatura

Thermometer apps to measure temperature on mobile

Currently, there are different types of thermometers: air thermometers, water thermometers, kitchen thermometers and, among them, the thermometer to measure body temperature on your cell phone. That way, when it comes to…

Como criar convite digital pelo celular

How to create digital invitation on mobile

Creating birthday or wedding invitations with a beautiful and modern design can be easy and convenient. The many apps available for Android and iOS allow you to create templates …

aplicativo para fazer letreiro de LED

How to make a mobile LED sign

Many people are looking for mobile LED sign apps that can be used for events, parties, stores and more. The app offers several tools that allow you to create …