We know that the habit of take care of teeth is basic and extremely important when we talk about oral health, but many people still end up postponing the treatments on account of costs which most of the time are not cheap. Oral health care it guarantees good nutrition and ease when speaking, resulting in greater security in social relationships, therefore, this issue goes far beyond its appearance. Get to know the Brasil Sorridente project.

free solutions for oral health problems were developed by being linked to the quality of life of the population. Among them is the dental implant, provided by SUS (Unified Health System) at the Smiling Brazil Project. Here you will find which Dental services are available in the Program, how does the free dental implant by SUS and how to access it through the Smiling Brazil, which part of the population does not yet know.

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Smiling Brazil Project

In 2003, the National Policy for Oral Health was launched by the Ministry of Health, in which he was appointed Smiling Brazil, since then the lives of thousands of Brazilians have been changed due to the free access to dental services. The Project carries out prevention and recovery actions that seek to oral health of Brazilians, being free treatments that serve people of all ages through the SUS, giving preference to low income citizens.

We will list some services that can be accessed at Health Posts/Family Health Units, Mobile Units or Specialty Centers and Hospitals. Check out.

• Dental implants

• Restorations

• Wisdom removal

• Extractions

• Cleaning

• Caries Treatment

• Fluoride application

• Braces

• Biopsies

• Exams for the detection of infections, oral cancer and other diseases

• Surgery

Dental Implant by SUS

O cost on one dental implant in Brazil it can vary between R$ 3,500.00 to R$ 16,000.00, as it depends on the material that will be used, which can be national or imported. But thanks to Smiling Brazil Program is it possible to perform a dental implant free of charge by SUS, just look for the units that are included in social programs from your city. This one dental treatment is usually extremely expensive for many Brazilians, therefore, if the low-income citizen wants to carry out a tooth implant, the purpose of Smiling Brazil Project is to allow this citizen access to the treatment at no cost.

How to participate?

Unfortunately it is not all cities that the treatment of dental implant is available . Therefore, to schedule appointments, you must access the website of the Smiling Brazil and register, so you can check if the treatment you need is available in your region.

dental implant by SUS

If there is a vacancy available, just find the treatment unit nearest you and register, taking only a document with a photo and the SUS card. For being services that serve the whole community and give preference to a part of it, the call may take some time, but that will depend on the treatment that was requested.

At first, the user must go through a screening to present some information and documents necessary for this service to be released totally free. usually the System usually release such dental services easily.


Ready! Now you know and you already know how to request a free dental implant through the SUS.

In case of doubts regarding the dental services, go to the official portal of Smiling Brazil Program or go to the unit of SUS nearest.

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