I'm sure to carry out a painting a wall of an environment is a way to change the view of your home, however know how to paint your house on your cell phone.

Furthermore, choosing the color is a difficult step, as it takes imagination to try to know the result, making it difficult for people.

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However, with the help of technology everything becomes easier, so you only need Android cell phone to perform the simulation of whatever you want.

So, let's list apps to know how to paint your house on your cell phone, and thus simulate wall painting, follow along.

Colorsnap preview

at first to Colorsnap preview is a Sherwin Wilams option to select color you want for your walls.

Surprisingly, given the images painted on the platform, it is possible to share whatsapp, email or other social networks.

So your favorite colors can be saved in shortcuts.

Primarily another use is the ease of detecting colors.

Similarly, to perform the test, click on the camera button and position it towards the wall, so the tool quickly detects the next color seen in the image.


Beforehand to Suvinyl offers 1,500 colors demonstrating the company's list of paints.

However, through application can select colors you want without having to go to the store, this way you can download the samples directly from your cell phone.

Furthermore, you can make a folder in the favorites tab for better access and what's more, the tool allows you to add a specific color to a specific area of the image.

Although take a photo of a room and choose the color and add it to test it.

paint tester

Precisely the paint tester There is no color variation, but it is differentiated by its functionality.

So you only need photograph an environment and select a color to test.

However, the user can use it to get started and find different colors through the store.

After all, the advantage of the play store service demonstrates ease of add colors to any ambient image to better idea of the results.

Color Detector

We certainly know that one of many people's impasses in paint a wall is to match the color already present in the room.

However the color detector promises to solve your problems in an easier way.


Because click on your camera cell phone and direct it to the desired environment, however wait for the RGB color code and the hexadecimal code.

In fact, through information it will be much easier to carry out choosing wall color.

Paint My Room

although the Paint My Room present a difference in its functionality through the cell phone camera and point it at a wall and wait for the augmented reality be activated.

Above all, choose the color available on the card and view each room in your home in real time.

But the disadvantage is the color category, which is, however, limited.

Therefore, in the face of augmented reality, application requires greater capacity to function properly.


The applications mentioned above on how to paint a house on your cell phone are available on google play store It is app store.