Discover how to make your cell phone with a giant font, making life easier for the elderly who live in your home. See how simple it is.

Technology has reached all age groups, we see young children with cell phones and the elderly too. Applications solve many problems, today we don't even need to go to a bank branch.

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We can solve everything with banking apps. However, some age limitations can hinder this autonomy of the elderly.

Vision problems can greatly hinder the autonomy of elderly people. Therefore, making the letters larger will help a lot.

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See how to make your cell phone with a giant font and make life a lot easier for the elderly in your family. Make your Smartphone accessible with Big Launcher.

But what is a Big Launcher?

Firstly, we need to remember that cell phones have accessibility mechanisms. However, helper programs are simpler and easier to use.

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This way, installing something can be easier than using the accessibility device mechanisms. Big Launcher has the ability to make the experience of the elderly or people with poor vision pleasant.

With the Big Launcher app you can increase the contrast, as well as enlarge the application icons. Which makes the lives of elderly people with cell phones much simpler.

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This way, accessing the camera, time and date, or an emergency phone number will be much easier. Don't waste time, install the app on your device Big Launcher right now.

Is the Big Launcher app free?

At first, as soon as you install Big Launcher, you will need to configure it. This can be done by the elderly, as the app already has larger letters and greater contrast.

Don't be scared by the first screen in English, at first it's just to accept the application's conditions.

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Accept the free version first, then you must leave the app on automatic, so that the Portuguese language is selected.

Just choose the size of the letters now, there are three options, “Standard, Large or Extra Large.” See what the need is, and choose the one that is most appropriate. Now you must choose the interface design.

The options are “light, dark or blue”, notice that the Android system's home screen is replaced by the Big Launcher. All aimed at making the user's life easier. Remembering that there is a paid option for the app.

Senior Safety Phone

Finally, another option for transforming a senior's cell phone into a more user-friendly smartphone is the Senior Safety Phone.

With it, you can save the most frequent contacts, as well as make functions easier for the elderly.


The icons get bigger, the letters get bigger, so you make it possible for even an elderly person with poor vision to have autonomy.

You can still block any change in the device's volume, meaning that whenever you call, the cell phone will ring. It is common for elderly people to silence their devices without realizing it.

O Senior Safety Phone It is a paid app, the cost is R$ 46.99. However, what it provides is well worth the installation, don't waste any more time.