certainly the central bank made available on the date of February 14, 2022, which Brazilians needed to consult through the Values Receivable System In order to find out if you have any forgotten money such as, for example, closed accounts or repairing incorrect charges.

However according to the central bank the balance reaches approx. 8 billion in banks from financial institutions which customers have not yet made withdrawals.

In addition, below we will list information about the System of Receivables from the Central Bank, how to consult to find out if you are entitled, How to withdraw money and the Calendar for withdrawal.

Understand what the Central Bank Receivables System is

As mentioned earlier, the System of Receivables from the Central Bank allows users to perform queries in order to know if they have money to receive.

Analogously everyone can consult to find out if they have money to receive, so it is necessary to fit the following criteria:

  • Incorrect charges made;
  • Obligations related to improperly charged credit operations;
  •  Closed accounts with available balance;
  • Former members of credit unions;
  • Participants excluded from closed consortium;
  • Among other situations that lead to devolution by institutions.

How to make the query to find out if you have direct

However, the user must perform the following steps to consult to find out if you are entitled.

Step 1: First it will be necessary registerthe through Gov.br website or through the application available on the online store Google play and app store.

step 2: because the account has three levels of security: bronze, silver and gold. I agree to carry out the consultation customer will need to be in the silver or gold category.

step 3: as long as access to Valor Receives websitere-confirm the CPF or CNPJ, since it is necessary to access the website on the date informed in order to request the withdrawal.


However the central bank You can ask the customer for a form of payment transfer such as the Pix key.

How to withdraw money

In fact, after carrying out the query, it will be inform the financial institution and the cash withdrawal period.

Check the withdrawal schedule


Later, if you have money to receive after making the appointment, as well as knowing the date to make the withdrawal request, see below how the calendar works.

Precisely the dates are scheduled referring to the birth of the person or the creation of the company, follow the calendar below:

consult and withdraw the money forgotten in banks
  • However, why was the company born or created? before 1968, scheduling the release consultation between 7 to 11/03;
  • Above all, why have the date of birth or creation of the company between 1968 and 1983 the release schedule will be on 03/14 and 03/18;
  • In the end after 1983 the schedule of the consultation release will be 03/21 and 03/25.

Although the customer does not show up on the dates above, he can return on date recap which runs on Saturdays and still miss the recap will need consult or request release from March 28th.


 So for more information go to System of Receivables from the Central Bank or install the app Gov.br available on Google Play Store It is app store