The treatment and oral health are a sector that is certainly related to the quality of life, and due to this, free solutions were created with the purpose of guaranteeing this basic right to the citizen. One of these solution options is the dental implant by the Unified Health System - SUS.

Did you know that there is a possibility to conquer the desired Dental implant by SUS? It is very likely that you have heard that a person can be defined by your smile, despite being an overused saying, there is a lot of truth in that phrase. However, care for your oral health goes far beyond just keeping a good looking.

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A oral health, more than anything else, should be considered as an aspect of quality of lifeIn this sense, the government created free solutions for oral health problems. To access the treatment, it is very simple, and we will show it in this text.

Dental implants and their social importance

UFMG - Federal University of Minas Gerais, carried out a survey through its students, where at the end of the work, they concluded that people who get your teeth back and other procedures buccal, improve the quality of life, in addition to improving their self-esteem.

Ultimately, when the mouth is healthy, daily inconveniences such as talking, dating and eating disappear.

Currently, Brazil is the country with the most professional dentists on the planet. Altogether, there are more than 300 thousand dentists until the end of the last decade. However, this does not mean that the Brazilian citizen has a regular oral health.

According to the Ministry of Health, 55.6% of the Brazilian population do not consult annually with a dentist. Another index is that 11% of Brazilians over 18 years old, already lost all teeth. Of this population, approximately 41.5% of Brazilians are over 60 years old.

Smiling Brazil Project

O smiling Brazil project is a government response to change this reality for the better, a project created in the early 2000s, carries out a series of proposals seeking the health of Brazilians.

Smiling Brazil Project

Among these prevention actions are educational campaigns in schools and dental implants made possible by the SUS. O Brazil program Smiling expands access to free dental treatment 100% to Brazilians through the SUS.

Every Brazilian can participate in the smiling Brazil program, however, it is a priority for low-income citizens with active registration in the CadÚnico.

Services offered by the program

O smiling Brazil project offers several free services for the population, among them are:

  1. Dental implants;
  2. Extractions;
  3. Cleanings;
  4. Oral exams to detect oral cancer, infections or other diseases;
  5. Restorations;
  6. Fluorine application;
  7. Wisdom removal;
  8. Caries treatment;
  9. Free dental device;
  10. Biopsies;
  11. Surgeries.

Lots of options, right? So, don't waste time, and if you need to, look for the free treatment, we'll show you how you can do that next.

How to register for the Smiling Brazil Project

O smiling Brazil project is an initiative of SUS, in this sense, anyone can have access to the free dental implants 100%. However, it is worth mentioning that low-income citizens have priority for treatment.

To register, look for a SUS unit (at the health post) closest to your home, and check if the service is already available, if so, just register.


For more information about dental implants, visit the website of smiling Brazil project, or look for a health center close to your home.