How to put a beard on your photos and videos? Take the test on your appearance, see what you would look like if you grew a beard.

A beard returned with full force, if you look for the streets, you will easily find people with the beard in the most diverse styles.

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In this way, the number of men leaving the beard grow, some even using hair growth treatments.

Therefore, the demand for specialized barbers and cosmetics designed to care for hair is growing. beard.

However, if you want to know what you would look like in different styles of beard, here is your place. See how to add a beard to your photos and videos with a application.

Beard Photo Editor

Firstly, we will introduce you to the Beard Photo Editor, one application specialized in add a beard to photos.

This is a application that changes the hairstyle Also, this way, you can make your image very different. So, you can play by sending your photo with beard to friends.

To get a sense of how you look with beard It's very simple, just take one of your photos from the gallery. In this way, the application shows you a catalog with different styles of beard.

Finally, just choose the style that suits you best and apply the effect to your photo. Furthermore, the application even allows you to add muscles to your photo.

That's right, you'll get muscular with just a few clicks, without having to spend hours in a gym. Install the application Beard Photo Editor and enjoy.

Beard Photo Editor – Beard Cam

In principle, another great option for adding a beard to your photos and videos is the Beard Photo Editor appBeard Cam. With it it will be very simple to have the beard that you wish.

A difference from application is that it has tools so that your beard become more realistic. Positioning her exactly where she should be if she were real.

This way, anyone who looks at the photos you send will believe it is a real beard. The catalog of application It's quite large, allowing you to do different tests.

With artificial intelligence, the Beard Photo Editor – Beard Cam draws attention for its quality. Install the app on your cell phone, use the photos from your gallery and enjoy.

There are purchases available at application, which can cost up to R$ 41.99.

Beard Booth Studio-Bard

Finally, you can still choose the Beard Booth Studio-Bard app, It is apply beard effect to any photo whatever you want.

This is a simpler application, it would be more for fun, the previous apps have a higher quality for the effects.

However, this app has some interesting beard models, you can see what it would look like with a lumberjack style beard.


Or choose another model, just use one of your photos and apply the existing beard models in the catalog. app.

With a simple interface providing ease of applying effects, the Beard Booth Studio-Bard It's an interesting app.

Install right now Beard Booth Studio-Bard on your cell phone and take the test. Or choose one of the previous apps and see what your face would look like with beard.