Precisely to beard came back by virtue of bringing self-confidence, see how to put a beard in photos and videos through the application.

In addition, with the appearance “barbeshops” which has shown new styling and treatment care.

continues after advertising

At first, self-care is the symmetry of the cut, it is fundamental to maintain the beard beautiful.

But you want to know how it would look beard? And what would your style be?

However, you will learn how to put a beard in photos and videos by the app, check below.

Find your beard style

Surely you can understand that the beard became fashionable, although it is not just letting it grow.

However, it is necessary to know the styles, in order to select which one will match your look.

So before your choice, the beard will highlight strengths and even more hide what you don't like.

So see what the styles in beard:

  • Triangular face shape.
  • Oval face.
  • Square face.
  • Face with heart shape.
  • Round face.
  • Diamond shaped face.

However, in order to understand which will be better, it will be necessary to carry out the simulation of beard across apps.

Beard apps for photos and videos

Bearth Photo Editor

Analogously the Beard Photo Editor presents several suggestions, however it is one of the apps more complete for android phones.

Certainly, the user will be able to count on several different and admirable styles of beards.

 Because in addition to finding many models, you can also choose the colors to be more daring in the change and have fun.

Bearth Simulator

However the Bearth Simulator It is a site that delights many because it is practical, fast and easy.

because for simulate the beard you need to select one Photograph profile, in this way you will be able to test several beard styles for change.

So after loading the Photograph, you will hit the beard so that it is well presented on your face, and thus analyze the models.

Barb Booth Studio

surprisingly the Barb Booth studio is available for iOS which allows you to simulate the beard on your face.

While you can change model moustache It is beard, since it is very easy to navigate.

 But you can select Photograph old or take Photograph at the time using the application.

Incidentally, you can also select lined, modern, classic and stripped models.


especially hit the beard with your face so you can identify the format.

Though after changes save to your cell phone.


Primarily the beardify it is a application which is available for android It is iOS by virtue of put beard on photo.

 Undeniably with suggestions and evaluations from many people as well as showing a positive point in the test.

though through the application many men, after carrying out several tests, decide to make the change.

Virtual Beard

 beforehand the Virtual Beard you can test beard with app very popular, however showing it in a real way with styles and creations.

Subsequently, it is important to highlight the insertion of the Photograph, the face is well aligned.

Also start select a photo and select the style you prefer.

After all, you must store photos and videos for the result to be incredible.


 So now you know how to put beards on photos and videos, however to download the application go to google play store It is app store.