A technology improved a lot from a while and now you can find out what your baby will look like through some advanced apps, including the apps Baby Maker It is FaceApp.
Those apps use your photo and your partner's photo to imitate the your children's appearance in a completely way realist.
Take a look at this post and check out the apps that show what the couple's son will look like and step by step to learn how to use them.
• Baby Maker
To the compare a child with his parents, O baby maker app use a resource artificial intelligence (AI) to produce highly similar results.
It's an extremely easy-to-use, simple, fast and effective app, where you only need three steps to get the long-awaited results.
O application It's only available for Android, so to download it for free, go to the Google Play Store. On its platform, small ads will be displayed due to its free access, but nothing that will make its use difficult.
Check out the step-by-step guide below to learn how to use this application It is find out what your child will be like in the future.
baby maker tutorial
Step 1. Select the photos of parents in each box that will be mentioned. Remember that the results will depend entirely on the photos of parentsso before taking Photos, remove accessories from bright spots.
Step 2. At the app baby maker, you can choose the age and gender of your son.
Step 3. Once you've set everything up, click the heart button and you're done. Afterwards, the forum will analyze the parents' faces and will offer a selection of faces that may look like your children in real life.
• FaceApp
The FaceApp it is a application in which it shows what will a couple's child be like. Available for free on Android and iPhone (iOS) devices, this app matches two images using artificial intelligence to imitate how it will be a portrait of a child, using features depicted on a man and a woman.
The user can make a prank using gallery photos, which makes it possible to see a potential son with a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband or wife, but there is also the opportunity to work with celebrities.
See below for step-by-step instructions on how to use the FaceApp to know what will the couple's baby be like.
FaceApp Tutorial
Step 1. open the FaceApp and press “Gallery” to select the first image. So, just select the file available on your mobile;
Step 2. After uploading the image, go to “Demo”, in the lower carousel, and select the filter “Our children“;
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Step 3. Tap “Select from gallery” to select a image in second person from the phone files;
Step 4. If you like, click on “Find Celebrity” to imitate the appearance of a celebrity. Then select a name and select a Photograph;
Step 5. Look at the screen to see what will the couple's son be like and then tap “Save” to download the image.

Try them now apps mentioned above and see what will your future child be like. Then share with us what you think of each one of them.
Go to Google Play Store or app store to download the apps.