Pessoas com doença crônica precisa manter o glucose control, know that it is possible to control through applications to measure diabetic blood glucose without a needle.

Manter a diabetes control is essential for health, in this way, if you do not take care, you may have complications such as: risk of heart attack, among others.

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Ademais o paciente, quando precisar measure diabetes, no need to prick your finger with a needle to know glycemic level, can count on the help of apps.

So you need measure constantly to glucose, meet some apps to measure diabetic blood glucose without a needle.

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Freestyle Libre sensor

certainly the Frestyle sensor Livery It is one of apps most famous for measure diabetes, desse modo, o usuário poderá saber o blood sugar level.

Posteriormente, o app funciona mediante um leitor, dessa maneira o usuário precisará aproximar o cell phone of the sensor installed on the patient's arm.

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Assim, após essa etapa é possível ver o glucose level, not needing needles e proporcionando praticidade e comodidade, podendo ser feito a qualquer momento.

By the way, the freestyle free provides storage of all history glycemic such as: sharing data, adding information about diet, insulin use and exercise routine.

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Mysurgr- Diary of diabetes

Primordialmente, o Mysurgr - diabetes diary is intended to help control the level of diabetes quickly, easily and conveniently.

Because, the app demonstra ser bem completo atendendo aos vários diabetes levels as: type 1, type 2 and gestational.

Conquanto, o usuário possa inserir várias informações no dia a dia como, por exemplo: medication use, blood glucose level, exercise and much more.

Sobretudo, posto que assim seja possível visualizar os dados em gráficos ou em relatórios semanais, mensais e compartilhar com o seu médico.

diabetes pal

At first, the diabetes pal has the functionality to insert several important data of a person with diabetes in order to keep everything safe in cell phone.

Pois, você poderá control your diabetes in real time, de tal forma analisando todos os registros, bem como, controlando a alimentação.

Surpreendentemente, o application it is totally safe in virtue of keeping your data protected and even more it is free in the version android It is iOS.


Diabetes Connect

Semelhantemente, o Diabetes Connect tem a mesma função que o Mysurgr, allowing you to record data such as meals, medications, injections, blood sugar level and much more.

Analogously with the application you can consult information about your glucose a qualquer lugar e momento, mantendo o controle na palma de suas mãos.

Samsung Health

In addition the Samsung Health has installation in most cellr Samsung, thus has numerous functions such as blood glucose and blood pressure control.

Although in this way through application be likely to take care of glucose in order to improve your routine and increase the quality of life.


Portanto, todos os aplicativos de glicemia do diabético são gratuitos, está disponível para download na loja virtual do google play store It is app store.