Whether during college, at an event or even at a meeting between friends at a bar, the snooker it's usually there. Check out the best apps to play pool on mobile.

Good so that you can have a little fun and challenge yourself by playing, or being able to make that match worth even money.

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Even if we can now relive that moment, after days when we need to be in isolation.

We can use our smartphones that are bringing options to the big fans of billiards.

Some players want and always seeks to release their competitive spirit, others want one game constant, which brings some rewards at each level achieved.

So, check now which applications to play pool on mobile:

8 BallPool

O 8 Ball Pool app is compatible with systems Android and iOS, moreover, he is totally free.

With 10 years of history, the 8 BallPool has always been one of the main pool games to play in smartphones.

Miniclip, the studio responsible for this game, managed to reinvent the theme over time.

The same introducing new features like the “Season Pass”, a gacha system to find better season events and also tacos.

Amid matches fast, tournaments It is wins long-distance, how to get bonuses in every part of the world you play, what 8 BallPool it's always fun.

Shooting Ball

O shooting ball app is compatible with systems Android and iOS, and also he is totally free.

Discover more of the city as you pass levels in this mobile version of game.

O game it is completely offline, has ads here and there, and builds through complexity that gets harder as you progress through the playthroughs.

every match won you can also open the chest to collect different clubs.


The rectangular pattern of tables offers an opportunity for creativity, and along with the great difficulty brought by new types of situations, care must be taken not to end up with no lives at all when entering too many numbers. balls in play.

Pool Stars

O Poll Stars is compatible with systems Android and iOS, O application like the previous ones is also totally free.

With a literally incredible look, the Pool Stars it's bright and stands out and features the option to change the camera format, so it helps a lot in moves that require different angles at various times.

In an objective way, the player quickly enter competitions against others players to win the chests and improve the parts of the bat and have a more prepared life, because you will face opponents much more armed with their equipment.


Those games did they remind you of a moment with friends? If so, enjoy and access the play store or app store so you can download and play for free and fun.

And don't forget to invite your friends and family to to play also!