However you who love music and enjoy sing, when you're doing some housework, when it's time to go to work and maybe you've even sung and karaoke with friends.

In this way, someone has already praised you by saying that you have a gift for singing, but was actually afraid to risk a little more.

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However, you must have the gift for singing, but in need of some steps to improve improving techniques, however singing in tune.

So you who seek to take a risk in music in order to improve your voice and learn techniques that will help improve your voice even more, follow some tips below.

how to sing well

I bet to have one good voice it is necessary to have dedication, training and study, in such a way that it is organized with the purpose of improving more and more.

Furthermore, we know that for continuous improvement it is important to start studies, but first it is necessary that the singer), know some steps.

See how you find your vocal range

First, you need to know the frequency of your voice, thus being able to present some types such as, for example: countertenor, soprano, mezzo-soprano, tenor, baritone and bass.

Certainly the terms quoted above may get confusing for you now at the moment.

But calm down, it is possible to discover your vocal extension through apps or websites that contribute with information that helps in learning, since that way you can find out.

Know your musical style

Because when identifying your vocal extension, analyze which music style most pleases, by virtue of starting the practice.

Analogously after choosing, perform research your musical style and watch the techniques From singers while you can learn.

Learn to warm up your voice

 at first the vocal warm-up is an important step towards improve the singing, thus Stimulating learning through musical notes.

 Thus, one of the warm-ups often used as pronunciation of vowels AEIOU, by virtue exercising the jaw by enhancing singing.

As long as you do 10 minutes to practice the notes calmly push yourself too hard and you will notice the improvement in your voice when sing.

Take care of your voice and health

Subsequently take care of food for sing is essential in order to increase the voice performance.

So eating some foods is intended to help with good voice for example: teas, citrus juices, honey with lemon, apple and water.

practice vocal exercises

As mentioned in the first tip, starting the practice of vocal exercises aims to improve some glitches.

Across melodies that involve tongue, lip vibrations, or combinations of vowels and consonants, by virtue of working breathing, diction and diaphragm control.

After all, the exercises practiced will achieve sing better and in tune.

train your voice

primarily train your voice in a fun way, choose a song and start a recording, which could be your own cell by virtue of analyzing the strong points and what needs improvement.


While planning this practice once a week will make all the difference in order to perform a good voice.

learn to sing


So if you want to learn more about how to sing in tune in addition to the tips mentioned above, visit musicalll.