Digital tools have proven to be a great ally in various areas of human life, such as child development🇧🇷 Meet the applications that help children with autism spectrum disorder.

However, this powerful tool that aims to help with communication and improve social skills and emotional ones that are fundamental.

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So, with a few clicks on the screen, children can explore different meaningful learning, thus discovering unique potentials.

In this text we aim to present efficient applications that help children with autism spectrum.

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So for you to understand how these features work and know their benefits, check out the apps that help children with autism spectrum disorder.


O Livox app gains advantage for its resources innovators who help with communication by helping children with autism spectrum disorders.

With its dynamic and customizable system, the app allows the user to perform a exclusive communication, according to your linguistic needs and preferences.

This subsequently contributes to the way in which feelings and desires are expressed. strengthening the child's self-esteem through social relationships.

A revolutionary quality of Livox is the use of word prediction, which speeds up the communication process.

Especially when expressing words when writing or clicking on the screen, the app reduces the overall frustration of long verbal communications.

In fact, its ability to be used on multiple devices provides accessibility in many everyday situations, such as conversations or educational activities.


At first, the Matraquinha app is an incredible and innovative platform that aims to present a unique and educational environment for children with autism spectrum.

Undeniably the tool has a dynamic and engaging system, providing communication and socialization through personalized activities, games and stories.

This helps develop children's skills in fundamental ways such as identifying emotions and expressing themselves verbally while playing in a safe environment.

Because one of the points Matraquinha's positives It is your competence to adapt to individual needs.

Although those responsible may create experiences according to the child's wishes, helping in the deeper and more effective learning.

Jade Austism

 Firstly, the Jade Autism App is an excellent technological tool to help the development of children on the autistic spectrum.

Furthermore, with its interactive navigation and customizable features, it allows those responsible create activities suited to each child’s unique needs.

So, you can improve communication, This creates a healthy environment, expanding your social relationships.

Through dynamic exercises and games, the Jade Austism establishes verbal and non-verbal expression, promoting fundamental skills in safe and welcoming environments.

So the application presents detailed reports on the child's development.


So the applications Livox,  Matraquinha, Jade Austism are available on Google play store and app store.