Discover the best free apps for weighing pigs, optimize your pig farming and increase productivity with cutting-edge technology!

If you are a pig farmer and have ever wondered how to make it easier to weigh your animals, your problems are over.

But why? Technology has been delivering thousands of new things to humanity and one of them is being able to weigh things and animals with your cell phone camera.

Cool, right? So in this article, we’ll show you some free apps for weighing pigs. The download links will be at the end of the text. Now, let's take a look.

Why use pig weighing apps?

Well, first of all, accurate weighing of animals is very fundamental for making strategic decisions in pig farming.

In fact, we all know this. After all, by weighing the animal, we can adjust its diet according to its development and identify possible health and growth problems.

Furthermore, it is a great way to optimize sales, that is, sell animals at the right time, thus ensuring greater profit.

Therefore, with the use of applications, this process becomes much faster and more accurate, eliminating human errors and reducing animal stress.

How does a pig weighing app work?

Good, firstly, weighing applications use algorithms that calculate the estimated weight of pigs based on parameters such as:

Body measurements, i.e, length and çabdominal circumference, photographs of the animals (some apps use AI for image analysis) and manually entered data.

Such as age and breed. This data is then processed and results in a reliable estimate of the animal's weight, allowing the producer to act in a much more strategic way.

Advantages of Using Pig Weighing Apps

But what is the advantage of using apps to weigh pigs? Well, investing in technology, even if it is free, brings countless benefits to pig farmers:

  • Data accuracy: that is, it reduces calculation errors and guarantees more reliable information.
  • Practicality: avoids the use of physical scales, which can be very expensive and difficult to handle.
  • Reduction of animal stress: reduces excessive physical contact during animal weighing.
  • Real-time monitoring: continuous monitoring of pig growth.
  • Economy: Finally, it completely eliminates the need for expensive equipment.

Best free apps to weigh pigs

Now, to get you started weighing your pigs and make sure you get the best of everything, here are the best free apps for weighing pigs:

Animal Weight, a free and super dynamic application, where you only need your cell phone. To use the app, you will need to download and log in to the application.

Then you can choose which animal you want to weigh, pig, cattle, horse, buffalo, goat and even dog.

Finally, you will need to manually measure the length and chest of the pig. Then enter the measurements and that's it! Receive the result in cm or in pounds.

Pig weighing app

By the way, another really cool thing about this app is that you can use your camera to measure the animal, which is much easier, right?

Finally, another widely used application to facilitate pig weighing is Pig Weight Calculator. Another free app to help you.

So when you download it, you will have to choose which animal you want to weigh, sheep or pigs. When choosing the animal, you will have to tell the app what size its chest is.

You will also need to enter the length. Finally, the app will give you the exact weight of the pig, either in “lbs” or “kgs”.

Services – Free apps for weighing pigs

Well, what else can I say about these apps? They are basically a helping hand for those who want to invest in the future of their production!