meet the app that turns you into Barbie.

Get into the movie premiere wave, enjoy and see yourself as the main character.

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The movie hasn't even been released yet and it's already messed with people's imaginations. After all, what girl never dreamed of being one Barbie?

Now this is possible, you just have the application correctly on your mobile device.

This is the easiest way to see how a Barbie, without having to undergo any transformation in a hairdressing salon.

This app is going viral, you must have seen pictures where the people turned into Barbie on the social networks. Don't stay out of this news, enjoy, the film will be released soon, this is the moment.

Discover now the app that turns you into Barbie and live this transformation.

Learn more about Barbie's history

First of all, everyone knows of the worldwide success of Barbie, what few people know is that the inspiration came straight from Germany.

A doll called Lili was created by a German named Reinhard Beuthien in the pages of the newspaper named Bild.

Lili gained great notoriety, which prompted a toy factory to create a doll in her honor. Thus, in 1955, her doll appeared.

Thus, in the United States a couple named Ruth and Eliot Handler, owners of a toy factory, traveled to Europe in 1958. Having bought a copy of Lili for their daughter, they were astonished by the girl's excitement.

From then on, they hired a designer named Jack Ryan who started his creation based on Lili, that's when the Barbie. The name was in honor of the couple's daughter who was called Bárbara.

At first, the party chosen for the launch of the doll was the toy fair in New York in 1959. Thus, the worldwide phenomenon called Barbie.

Create your avatar like Barbie

First, if you're a fan of Barbie, you cannot miss this opportunity to create your avatar as she. O app that turns you into Barbie does all the work quickly and simply.

This one application does the work of creating a digital version of you, like an avatar, only using the Barbie as a basis. What will impress you with the quality of what will happen to your photo.

O app It's very simple, so any child will be able to use the customization tools. Which makes it possible for all fans are turned into Barbie, children or adults.

Let's learn how to make it you turn into a Barbie?

App that turns you into Barbie

Install on your mobile device the application TonnArt, it is an app that turns your photo into a drawing. Creating cartoon avatars very quickly through Artificial Intelligence.

In fact, there are many editing tools that can be exploited for you to leave your photo in many different ways. Just pick one of the tools and explore it.

But it's not just this one app, that you turns into a Barbie, if you have the TikTok, Be a Barbie it's simpler than you might think. There is a filter called TikTok Barbie AI that does that work for you.


That way, just apply the filter to your photo so that look like a Barbie quickly. Finally, you still have another very interesting option, the Snapchat.

Through Augmented Reality, you can use the clothes that the protagonists of the film use in their characters. So you have special access to the wardrobe and see yourself as a Barbie easily.

You just need to apply the lens Barbie Wardrobe AR, and all the work will be done, simple, isn't it? Take advantage of this opportunity right now, viralize your photos like Barbie, and succeed on the internet.