It is in need buy a motorcycle, be it for walking or for work? A valid option is the motorbike auction in Brazil. New public notice for auction of Motorcycles from the Detran is open.

Many people still think that the vehicles offered for auction are in bad condition. What is not true!

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In many cases a good motorbike can be found, just look closely at the notifications and look for the best option.

With that in mind, in this post we bring you some tips on how to participate in Detran and Caixa auctions, in addition to some good practice tips.


O DMV it is a government agency whose function is to regulate and supervise land transport within the national territory, and each state of Brazil has its own DMV corresponding.

In addition, the DMV it has social projects such as CNH Social or CNH Popular, in which it offers free driver's licenses to needy people who meet the requirements.

Of course, the DMV apprehend motorcycles with irregularities or documentation problems in traffic control.

That's where auctions come in, as a way to get rid of impounded vehicles and generate revenue for state and local governments.

How to Participate in a Detran Motorbike Auction

Himself DMV does not produce or organize auctions, in case the auction house is a partner of DMV and participates in a public process called negotiation and bidding.

Therefore, to participate in these events you must register in the respective websites of these companies partners and pay attention to the opening of new notices.

through these websites, you can analyze a virtual catalog of motorcycle lots available.

In addition to looking at the outside of the vehicle, be aware of details and specifications, such as fines or damaged parts.

on the day of auction, take a fresh look at the chosen bike, as in some cases the photos in the catalog may not represent reality.

There are some important caveats when participating in an auction, such as:

visit the auction: if possible, go to the courtyard of the venue, don't just rely on the photos in the catalog on the website, take a good look at the car or motorcycle and check that the information is correct;

Find auctioneer information: before participating in a auction, find information about the company that organized the event, avoid fraud and understand the company's reputation;

save money: On the day of auction, you need to win motorbike that you set as your target with a good throw.

In addition, you need to pay the auctioneer organizer a percentage of the bid amount.

How to participate in a DMV auction

THE Box usually perform auctions through official partner companies that usually open auctions during the year.

to participate in auction, stay tuned for partner companies, as MGL and sell, which will notify you via your websites when and where the auction will be realized.

It is worth mentioning that it is the responsibility of the client to search for more information about the company with which he wishes to negotiate.


On the day of the event, you will go to the event, choose the motorbike you want to buy and bid.

motorbike auction

If your bid is the highest, then partner company forward all documents to the DMV, which will release the vehicle and other procedures.


In case of doubts, more information or consult public notices of auctions, access the DMV website corresponding to your state.