Technology is constantly providing improvements in several complex tasks, making them more accessible and simplified. Now it is possible measure land using your cell phone camera.

THE ease is now in your hands, you will be able to measure lands of simple and effective way without needing no technical skills and you will see the results with just a few clicks.

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Next, in this article we will list which tools are available and thus inform you how they work. land measurement using cell phone camera.

So get ready to discover a powerful ally when mapping spaces, know how measure land with cell phone camera.

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GPS Fields Areas Measures

Firstly, the GPS Fields Areas Measures application revolutionizes the way we measure land, even benefiting professionals in the field.

He combines the accuracy of GPS with a dynamic system that allows users to calculate areas using only their cell phone.

You will be able to make detailed measurements without need complex tools or specific knowledge, having everything in the palm of your hand.

Finally, the application presents several extra features such as ability to save specific points and draw custom maps.

Area and Distance Meter

O area and distance meter app seeks to facilitate how we carry out land mapping and assessment, ensuring agility and competence.

So with resources advanced that use your cell phone's camera, these tools allow anyone, from amateurs to professionals, visualize and calculate dimensions.

However, using traditional methods will make it more difficult and will take much longer. Therefore, the area and distance measuring app is an excellent tool.

This application offers additional features such as cloud storage for historical records of measurements and integration with GPS.


At first, the AutoCAD application is a great ally for people looking to do measurements of your crops and projects in the field with agility.

To use your cell phone camera to measure land, O AutoCAD becomes an essential tool, allowing users record live data and view directly from the system.

The integration of recording images and digital design not only speeds up the measurement process, as well as reducing common errors that can occur when transferring information manually.

Therefore, users can insert notes, adjust boundaries and even add three-dimensional elements based on measurements obtained with the cell phone camera.


certainly, the Magicplan app is an innovative platform for those looking for measure land in a practical and dynamic way.

With the possibility of transforming your cell phone's camera into A valuable measuring tool, the app exceeds conventional expectations.

Well, at photograph images of space, the app uses augmented reality technology to generate floor plans, accurate, live, helping with work planning.

Finally, the application allows export projects in different formats, such as PDF and DXF, presenting flexibility for professionals.


The applications mentioned in the text: GPS Fields Areas Measures, Area and Distance Meter, Autocad and Magicplan available at Google play store and app store.